Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Is The Economy Heating Up?

As I see the one year anniversary of my last paycheck coming up, I've begun to see more and more BA ads on LinkedIn, Dice and the others.

But the requirements remain huge, unrealistic and stiff as a board.

You still don't know what's important- especially for a couple of recruiters. The recruiters know exactly what the client wants, but doesn't put it in the listing (when did a job ad become a 'requirement?' and why didn't anyone ask me before marketing idiots destroyed another phrase?). I keep applying for jobs that appear to be spectacular matches...only to receive the same canned e-mail in return:

Boy, you look really good and thanks for the time and effort you put into it. Sadly, you're not qualified. I can't tell you why because I received over 200 resumes from people who want to be BAs. I'll give this to my secret...um....Administrative Assistant and archive it so if anything comes in that matches your basic and untidy "qualifications,"  I can give you a call.

In the meantime, if you use the link in this e-mail and drop $30 on a resume blasting scam, I stand to make $7.50, making that deluge of 200 resumes pretty profitable if I get a 10% return.

You can bet if that firm ever calls me, I'll be right there for it- bright eyed and bushy tailed.

A couple companies now have my resume. They SAY they have BA roles and I'm pretty hopeful. They're all contract and a year or less...but hey... I'd rather not actually make that one year anniversary. That would suck. Big time.

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