Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Couple of Things That Stink on the Job Boards

OK, I admit it. I'm on LinkedIn and yes, the Web Search function through Simply/Hired aggregation engine is helpful. Not as helpful as fresho.com or Google, but helpful.

What is not helpful is this silly little widget on the right side of my LinkedIn homepage that sucks me in every time:

I click it every damn time and get this:

Now, this could be helpful since Monster and Dice are about as forthcoming about search hits and who looked over your profile detail as LinkedIn. These services want you to pay cash for this detail. Anyone in IT will tell you that the audit trails on these searches cost about nothing. Which is pretty much what a guy like me, who hasn't worked in none months, can afford for this singular detail. What can I do with it?

  • Figure out how well my resume is doing since I already know which companies to which I've applied.
  • Figure out how well my generic cover letter is doing (stop. before you say it: Do you have any idea how many supposedly great companies are using boiler-plated job ads? At least my letter is truthful and an accurate representation of what I can do). 
  • Anticipate a potential call from a recruiter.

JobFox provides this for free, along with e-mails telling you what the company won't- the job went to someone else or was removed from active consideration. I know- I was able to anticipate two calls that almost resulted in jobs...but JobFox' interface, data transfer speed and security need major upgrades to be useful to job hunters.

So Dice, Monster and LinkedIn-Simply/Hired force me into a guessing game (see my first post- I'm pretty good).

  • The Ex Libris is one or two of the people I used to work with at Crosscap Media- great people and they're probably checking up on me to see if I landed yet.
  • Someone in Government Relations in Sacramento, CA? This is probably some cube rat that works for Arnold and came this close to being nailed for surfing porn sites.
  • Recruiter at RusellPhillips? No clue. Don't know anyone there....and maybe I want to know someone there.
  • Someone in the Computer Industry? Gimme a break. It was a close friend who's also looking for work and we copy each other's best stuff for our own.
  • Someone in Executive Recruiting at Addison Search. This is a head scratcher. Addison had me up for a contract gig. They were nice smart and kind enough to tell me three days later the client was going with someone else (trust me most recruiters won't do this in some sort of oddball way of 'holding' you'). So why they're still looking at my profile is beyond me...but at least someone's looking
Is this worth $20-$60 to me? I don't even bite on those Classmates.com flags. But for some reason...these three sites are able to get me to click through everytime even though I know I'm not going to like it.

What was that old saw about repeating a failed behavior?

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