Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Scary, Kids, Scarry!

<I've added a few musical touches, tell if you like/hate them>

OK, County Floyd from SCTV, I'm officially creep-ed out.

Google's new 'social networking' tool, Google+ is crawling around our computers. See PC World Article for background.

(upbeat banjo licks)

My own moment of clarity came about two weeks ago. I got a message concerning Google's new two part security system. There was a big hack job a few weeks ago and this was Google's answer.

(organ mystery stab)

The new system requires you to use a second password to get to your Google stuff. I set it up from my laptop and  Android Smartphone (which really isn't smart at all...but that's a different rant you can expect in the days to come). Worked great the first time I did it.

(heavy timpani role)

Then I programmed my password manager to handle the duties.

(Theramun stuff like in The Day The Earth Stood Still)  Yeah, it's a real instrument played with your hands weaving in and around an antenna looking thingie. Some say it was the first electronic instrument.

Anyway, back to our story!

Dummy me.

I did it from the smartphone.

(another organ stab)

See, the new system makes you download a new password generator app on your phone.

(Banjo up and under the next paragraph)

So you gotta log into Goggle, then your phone and then generate a second password the laptop site is demanding.

Hurry Up,. though! (banjo speeds up) You have only a couple of minutes to use it!

(banjo stops abruptly, timpani increase rhythm and under...)

And yes, you have to log out of Google on your phone, generate a new code, copy it, go back into Google and use the second password before it expires.

Have you ever tried to do anything fast on one of these touch pad keyboards? (Spike Jones something or other)  It's like trying to use a bat with cooking mittens on.

I did this on a Saturday. I needed Google Maps on Sunday. On my phone.

As soon as I got home, I ran everything back to default.

So, problems with Google+ don't surprise me in the least. And I'm getting worried about the smartphone I bought.

It uses Android (the cut down LINUX operating system), made by Google.

(Descending trumpet wah-wah's)